Hi, my name is McIntosh and I’m a special elf... an “Angel Elf”
I’m leaving a GOLDEN Legacy...here is my story:
I was born in London, Ontario and was part of the GOADog’s “apple litter”. As I grew up, I learned all kinds of service dog skills and I was really good at them. Donna always said I was the BEST one with my diabetic alert skills so that made me feel pretty special. I was never as outgoing as my brothers and sisters and my reputation was one of being the quiet “Gentleman” of the pack. I had a special affinity for anyone who wasn’t oozing confidence or who was nervous around dogs BECAUSE I was so gentle and understanding. I made some great friends in my life and I know I made a difference even in my short time here on earth.
Sadly, I got called away to “Rainbow Bridge” on Thanksgiving weekend in 2016. It was a major blow to everyone at GOADogs who fought so hard to save my life. God had other plans for me and that’s OK. Everything happens for a reason even if we don’t understand it at the time.
Just because I am no longer here on earth, it doesn’t mean I can’t still make a difference and do the job I was born to do...change lives! I’m still opening doors to opportunity but now just in a different way.
AND GUESS WHAT...at Rainbow Bridge I’M OOZING CONFIDENCE! I may not be here in body but I’m here in spirit...“Christmas Spirit”!
I “boldly” want to leave a special legacy. Will YOU help me help the GOADogs by putting your name on my “Nice List” and donating $12.00 in my memory, or in memory of your own special pet who has joined me at “Rainbow Bridge”.
Make a difference today...you never know what tomorrow holds!