WELCOME to the 2020 “12 Days of Christmas Campaign
I’m Donna Frezell, founder of Golden Opportunity Assistance Dogs and this is Astra, one of our Service Dog Ambassadors.
Helen Keller once said: “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”
GOADogs’ annual “12 Days of Christmas” campaign was created around that very concept. A $12.00 donation doesn’t seem like much. It’s about the price of a single movie ticket in today’s economy. But here’s the thing...while a movie offers 2 hours of entertainment...a Service Dog offers YEARS of Independence for a person with a disability.
So if all of us give up only ONE $12.00 movie ticket this year, TOGETHER, we can Give the “Gift of Independence” this Christmas and truly impact the lives of people with disabilities right here in our own community!
Please consider joining the movement and making a donation of $12.00 on one of our Pet Elf, GOADog Elf or Human Elf webpages.
For those who have lost a pet to Rainbow bridge, you can make a donation “in their memory” on one of our Angel Elf webpages and in doing so, you will let their lives continue to live on in a legacy of service to another...and THAT is a gift worth g iving!
If you would like to make a memorial donation “in memory” of a human family member or friend who you have lost, you may do so on the page below and together we’ll ensure their lives continue to have an impact and their memory never fades.
Thank you for your generosity and support. Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas!